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Ahhhh, Book Week – a time of the year filled with kooky book characters and last minute costumes of convenience. It's a veritable rite of passage for all parents and children, and one that celebrates Australian authors and the kids that love to read them.

We're big on books around these parts, so here's a few we've loved this Book Week... alongside the perfect pieces to suit them! (*ahem* and some last minute "costumes" anyone?)

First up, it's our favourite A to Z...


Read... Artichoke to Zucchini by Alice Oehr

A fun and fresh approach to our ABCs, Alice Oehr's 'Artichoke to Zucchini' features all the weird, wonderful and delicious delights for every letter of the alphabet. Paired perfectly with our fruit-forward pieces, this book is an entertainer for all ages!

Dress Up As... a Fruit Salad!

Maybe your little ones are more of the prehistoric kind?


Read... A First Book of Dinosaurs by Simon Mole

From T-Rex to Triceratops, this book has got it all! Explore the prehistoric world of dinosaurs with larger than life, bright illustrations and a poetic prose that will charm both adults and children... This ones bound to be a fast favourite for every ext-ROAR-dinary kid!

Dress Up As... a Dinosaur Valley Explorer!

Perhaps you've got a gardener among your gum trees?


Read... Off to the Nursery by Alice Oehr

A celebration of the seasons, Off to the Nursery offers every reader an education in the organic. Spring has sprung – and it's time to grow tomatoes, work with worms, and bring the bees! This sweet and engaging book is a wonderful tribute to the big and little people who help our gardens grow.

Dress up as a... Green Thumb Gardener!

